
 术 职 衔
导 师 姓 名
工 作 部 门
大连交通大学 自动化与电气工程学院
 系 电 话
电 子 邮 箱
研 究 方 向
2023/04-现在,   大连交通大学,教授,副校长
    期间 2015/01 - 2016/01,康奈尔大学,ECE,访问学者
国家自然科学基金“面上”: 综合能源系统异构灵活性资源响应演变机理和协同优化研究,主持,75.4万,2021
企业课题: 冀北电科院电网友好型新能源电站多功能储能容量配置与运行控制技术研究, 主持,61.5万,2021
企业课题: 适应高比例可再生能源并网的输电网规划系统平台测试, 主持,47.85万,2020
企业课题: 北方地区大规模“煤改电”项目与配电网协同规划设计及评估技术研究, 主持,65万,2018
国家重点实验室开放课题: 基于深度学习算法的大电网高容错快速状态估计方法, 主持,15.7万,2018
企业课题: 计及分布式能源的配电台区间能量实时智能分配与管控关键技术协作研究, 主持,57.5万,2017
国家自然科学基金“面上”: 面向“源---储”互动的主动配电网柔性负荷调度模型与方法研究, 主持,60万,2016
企业课题: 城市轨道交通供电网发展策略及布局研究, 主持,17万,2016
国家自然科学基金“面上”: 主动配电网系统对规模化电动汽车的互动式充放电控制研究, 主持,76万,2014
发明专利:考虑PMU量测离群点的配电网线路参数辨识方法. ZL202110147426.X
发明专利:配电网系统拓扑状态辨识方法、装置、存储介质及设备. ZL201910535157.7
发明专利:基于SDAE-ELM伪量测模型的状态估计方法. ZL201910827499.6
发明专利:电采暖负荷预测方法、装置、设备及可存储介质. ZL201910480239.6
发明专利:面向智能楼宇的温控负荷分层聚合控制方法. ZL201910645570.9
发明专利:一种电动汽车参与电网频率调整的充电控制方法及装置. ZL201810308070.1
发明专利:一种用于降低直流换相失败风险的在线测控装置. ZLN201510334865.6
实用新型:一种在线测控装置. ZL01520416209.6
实用新型:一种变压器运行状态监测装置. ZL201420335039.4
实用新型:变压器监听装置. ZL00920094787.7
实用新型:基于音频识别技术的电力变压器在线状态监测装置. ZL201120342478.4
实用新型:一种防爆型可视化系统集成配电保护装置. ZL200820059030.X
实用新型:变电站音视频智能报警装置. ZL200920094786.2
[1]Yuguang Song, Mingchao Xia*, Liu Yang, Qifang Chen, Su Su. Multi-granularity source-load-storage cooperative dispatch based on combined robust optimization and stochastic optimization for a highway service area micro-energy grid
        Renewable Energy, 2023.02 Vol 205: 747-762 DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2023.02.006
[2] Yuguang Song, Mingchao Xia*, Qifang Chen, Fangjian Chen. A data-model fusion dispatch strategy for the building energy flexibility based on the digital twin
        Applied Energy, 2023.02.15, Vol 332: 120496. DOI:10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.120496.
[3] 戴俊彦, 夏明超*, 陈奇芳, 基于双重注意力机制的电池SOH估计和RUL预测编解码模型
        电力系统自动化, 2022.12.15, 网络首发. DOI:10.7500/AEPS20220615007.
[4] Mingchao Xia, Fangjian Chen, Qifang Chen*, Siwei Liu, Yuguang Song, Te Wang. Optimal Scheduling of Residential Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
        Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy,  2022.11.28, (Early Access). DOI: 10.35833/MPCE.2022.000249.
[5] Min Guo, Mingchao Xia*, Qifang Chen. A review of regional energy internet in smart city from the perspective of energy community
        Energy Reports, 2022.11, Vol.8:161-182. DOI: 10.1016/j.egyr.2021.11.286
[6] Mingchao Xia, Jinpin Sun, Qifang Chen*. Outlier Reconstruction Based Distribution System State Estimation using Equivalent Model of Long Short-Term Memory and Metropolis-Hastings Sampling
        Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2022.11, Vol.10(6):1625-1636. DOI: 10.35833/MPCE.2020.000932
[7] Meifu Chen, Mingchao Xia*, Qifang Chen. A planning model of energy routers considering peer-to-peer energy transaction among multiple distribution networks
        CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022.10, (Early Access), DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2021.05270.
[8] Yubin Wang, Mingchao Xia, Qiang Yang*, Yuguang Song, Qifang Chen, Yuanyi Chen. Augmented State Estimation of Line Parameters in Active Power Distribution Systems With Phasor Measurement Units
        IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Oct 2022, 37 (5): pp.3835-3845 DOI:10.1109/TPWRD.2021.3138165
[9] Qifang Chen , Kaka Sanaullah, Ammar Tahir, Mazhar Hussain, Ali Raza Meer, Mingchao Xia*, An adaptive and sustainable distribution system islanding strategy for post-restoration failures
        CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022.05, (Early Access), DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2021.01360.
[10] Meifu Chen, Mingchao Xia*, Qifang Chen. A two-stage planning method of the energy router considering the optimal operation in distribution network
        CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022.05, (Early Access), DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2021.03210.
[11] Jinping Sun, Qifang Chen, Mingchao Xia*, Data-driven detection and identification of line parameters with PMU and unsynchronized SCADA measurements in distribution grids
        CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2022.05, (Early Access), DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2020.06860
[12] Yiming Xian, Mingchao Xia*, Su Su, Min Guo, Fangjian Chen, Research on the Market Diffusion of Fuel Cell Vehicles in China based on the Generalized Bass Model
        IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, 2022.4, 58(2): 2950-2960. DOI10.1109/TIA.2021.3130844
[13] Kaka Sanaullah, Mingchao Xia*, Mazhar Hussain, Sharafat Hussain, Ammar Tahir. Optimal Islanding for Restoration of Power Distribution System Using Prim's MST Algorithm
        CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. 2022.3, 8(2): 599-608. DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2020.01580
[14] Yuguang Song, Fangjian Chen, Mingchao Xia*, QifangChen. The interactive dispatch strategy for thermostatically controlled loads based on the source–load collaborative evolution
        Applied Energy, March 2022 Vol. 309, Article numnber 118395, DOI10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.118395
[15] Chen Meifu, Xia Mingchao*, Chen Qifang. Hierarchical structure design and primary energy dispatching strategy of net energy router
        Electric Power Systems Research, 2021.12, Vol 201, Article number: 107539, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2021.107539
[16] 郭敏,夏明超*,陈奇芳. 区域能源互联网时滞复杂动力学网络模型及度量指标体系研究综述
        全球能源互联网. 2021.5 Vol.4(3):235-248. DOI:10.19705/j.cnki.issn2096-5125.2021.03.004
[17] 郭敏,夏明超*,陈奇芳. 基于能源自组织的能源-信息-交通-社会耦合网络研究综述
        中国电机工程学报. 2021.8, Vol.41(16):5521-5539. DOI:10.13334/j.0258-8013.pcsee.202231
[18] Mingchao Xia, Tonghe Liao, Qifang Chen*. Two-layer optimal charging strategy for electric vehicles in old residential areas
        International Transactions on Electric Energy Systems. 2021e12890. DOI:10.1002/2050-7038.12890.
[19] Mingchao Xia, Meifu Chen, Qifang Chen*. Rule-based energy buffer strategy of energy router considering efficiency optimization
        International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 2021.2 Vol.125, 106378. DOI:10.1016/j.ijepes.2020.106378.
[20] 夏明超,花志浩,陈奇芳*,张道农. 考虑热环网时延的区域IES分层分布式优化方法
        电网技术. 2021.2 Vol.45(2) DOI:10.13335/j.1000-3673.pst.2020.1070. 2020年北京电机工程学会优秀论文一等奖(当年共5篇一等奖)
[21] 王玉彬,夏明超*,李鹏,郭晓斌, 白浩, 徐全. 基于改进鲁棒自适应UKF的配电网动态状态估计方法
        电力系统自动化. 2020.1.10,44(1):92-100. DOI:10.7500/AEPS20190329004
[22] Jinping Sun, Mingchao Xia*, Qifang Chen. A Classification Identification Method Based on Phasor Measurement for Distribution Line Parameter Identification Under Insufficient Measurements Conditions
        IEEE ACCESS. 30 October 2019, Volume: 7, Issue1: 158732-158743, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2950461.
[23] Qifang Chen, Mingchao Xia*, Teng Lu, Xichen Jiang, Wenxia Liu, Qinfei Sun. Short-Term Load Forecasting Based on Deep Learning for End User Transformer Subject to Volatile Electric Heating Loads
        IEEE ACCESS, 25 October 2019, Volume 7 Issue 1:162697-162707, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2949726.
[24] Meifu Chen, Mingchao Xia*, Qifang Chen. Research on Distributed Source-Load Interaction Strategy Considering Energy Router Based Active Distribution Network
        IEEE ACCESS. 2019.10 Vol.7:150505-150516. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2946865.
[25] Qifang Chen, Mingchao Xia*, Yue Zhou, Hanmin Cai, Jianzhong Wu, Haibo Zhang. Optimal Planning for Partially Self-Sufficient Microgrid with Limited Annual Electricity Exchange with Distribution Grid
        IEEE ACCESS. 2019.8 Vol.7:123505-123520, 21 August 2019, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2936762.
[26] Mingchao Xia, Yuguang Song, Qifang Chen*. Hierarchical control of thermostatically controlled loads oriented smart buildings
        Applied Energy, 2019.11, 254, UNSP 113493, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113493.
[27] 夏明超; 和敬涵; 王喜莲; 段汝佳。北京交通大学:培养新能源电力行业国际化人才
        中国电力教育. 2018(9):29-31. 封面报道. DOI:10.19429/j.cnki.cn11-3776/g4.2018.09.010
[28] Xianwen Zhu, Mingchao Xia*, Hsiao-Dong Chiang. Coordinated sectional droop charging control for EV aggregator enhancing frequency stability of microgrid with high penetration of renewable energy sources
        Applied Energy, 2018.1, Volume 210: 936-943, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.07.087.
[29] Su Su, Yong Hu*, Shidan Wang, Wei Wang, Yutaka Ota, Koji Yamashita, Mingchao Xia, Xiaobo Nie, Lijiang Chen, Xia Mao. Reactive power compensation using electric vehicles considering drivers' reasons
        IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION. 2018, 12(20):4407-4418. DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2017.1114.
[30] Li Rui, Wang Wei, Xia Mingchao*. Cooperative Planning of Active Distribution System With Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage Systems
        IEEE ACCESS, 2018.6: 5916-5926. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2785263.
[32]吴俊勇,夏明超,徐丽杰,郎兵,吴振升,刘平竹,陈力. 电力系统分析[M]。国内:清华大学出版社/北京交通大学出版社,2012-03
IET Fellow 英国工程技术学会会士, 2021
IET FellowIET Fellow评审委员
IEEE PES中国区会议委员会副主任
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems Editorial Board Member